yoga is very important for health

 keep your heart healthy

Yoga is an ancient and traditional tool for holistic wellness of the body , mind and soul.Yoga postures and breathing techniqus known as pranayama, meditation,mudras and many other practicess in yoga can be extremely beneficial for your overall health. There are specific technaiques in the yoga system that can be effective in promoting the health of your heart and keeping heart  diseases at bay.


Lift the hips up,straighten the knees and elbows  and from an inverted "V" shape.Now keep the hands and shoulders width apart. Fingers point aheads.Put pressure on your palms and open your shoulder blades.Try to push your heels to the floor. keep your eye focused on your big toes.hold eight to ten breaths.


Begin by standing in Samasthithi. Lift your right leg off the floor and blance your body  weight on your left leg. Place your right foot  on your lifeted inner thingh.Place  it as closeto your  groin as  possible.You can support your  foot with your palms to bring it inplace.After you find  your balance, join your palms in pranam mudra at your heart chakra.Raise your pranam towards the sky.Staighten your elbows and ensure that your head is in between your arms.Focus your gaze forward repeat the same with the alternate leg.

 There seems to be an increase in the number of breast cancer cases in women between the age of 25 -30 year,While the  pandemic is one of the reasonas attributed to the there are several other factors including lifestyle, reproduce preferences,and hormonal imbalances that could cause breast cancer in women.

However,you can always look to yoga to help fight chronic diseases. You can practice these postures that can help you can recovery process while preventing incidences of relapse.

Gently kneel down to come on all four in a tabletop position.Ensure that you are on a yoga mat for any soft surface that provides cushioning for your knee joints.Align your plams under your shoulders and place your knees directly under the hips.Keep your knees hip-width apart and turn your toes outwards.


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