ashok histoy


 ashoka  ,also speeled ashok ,(died 238  BCE , India ), last  major dynasty of India.His vigorous patronage of Buddhism.

during his reign(c.265-238 BCe:also given as c.273-232 BCE)furthered the expansion of that  religion throughout India. Following his successful but bloody conquest of the Kalinga country on the  east  coast, Ashoka renounced armed conquest and adopted a plloicy that he called "conquest bt dharma "(i.e., by priciples of right life).

In order to gain wide publicity for his teaching and his work , Ashoka made  them knowb means of oral  annoucncements and by engaraving on rocks and pillars at suitables sites .These inscriptions -the rock edicts and pillars edicts e.g., the lion capital of the of pillars found at  sarnath , Which has become India s national emblem), mosttly  dated in various years of  reign -contian statements regarding his thoughts and actions and provide information on his life and acts. Hisutterances range of franksness and sincertiy .

The  Kalinga war
In the  12th year of his rign and the 8th year of his coronation, in 261 B.C,Ashoka invaded kaliga.
From the view point of mauryan imperialism, the conquest of kalinga was considered necessary for various reason.From the side of kalinga,her freedom loving were powerful enough to resist the invasion with all their might.

As a result,the kalinga war became one of the msot vilent and terrible war of ancient times.Its outcome became epoch-making to make it one the most famous wars of world history. 

The kalinga army had only 60,000 infantry, 1,000 cavalary and 700 elepahant .On the other hand the greek ambassador Megasthense mentions the military strength of kalinga to be of about one lakh,which consisted of 1700 horses , thousnads of elephants , and 60 thousand soliders.Kalings army also had a powerful naval force.

Winner and Loser
Ashoka and his aramy fought a severe fight  with the army of kalinga. They offered a still resistance to the Maurayan army. The entire town of kalinga turned into a battle ground and every one came foward  to fight against the Mauryan army, commanded by thier ruler.However they were no match for the might magadha army ,led by ashoka himself.They resisted and fought many instance,the fought with great valour and finally the solidiers and the people of kalinga perished in the battlefield.And Ashoka won the great battle of kalinga.

.loser:the Ruler of kalinga

The kalinga war prompted him to devote the rest of his life to non-violence (Ahimsa)and to victory through (Dhamma-vijaya).He preached that it is conquest through dhama that was  the real conquest in life and not the conquest through violence.He became a followe of Buddhism.Ashoka promised that he would never again take to arm again.HE ended the military expansion of empire.The kalinga war beacme his first and last war. 


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