
Showing posts from April, 2021


Ashoka's Policy of Dharma: Ashoka's policy of Dhamma has been a lively topic of discussion among scholars.The word Dhamma is the prakrit form of the Sanskrite word Dharma.Dhamma has been variously translated as piety,moral life,righteousness and so on. But the best way to understand what Ashoka means by Dhamma is to read his edicts.The edicts were written primarily to explain to the people throughout the empire the principles of Dhamma.It must be clearly understood that Dhamma was not any particular religious faith or pratice.Dhamma realated to norms of social behavior and activities in a very general sense. .Dhamma emphasised on toleration and general behaviour.It emphasises not only toleration of people but also of their ideas. It laid strees on showing consideration towards slavaes and servants; obedience to elders; generosity towards friends, acquaintances and relatives; regard for Brahmanas and Sramanas,etc. Ashoka also pleased for toler...

yoga is very important for health

  keep your heart healthy Yoga is an ancient and traditional tool for holistic wellness of the body , mind and soul.Yoga postures and breathing techniqus known as pranayama, meditation,mudras and many other practicess in yoga can be extremely beneficial for your overall health. There are specific technaiques in the yoga system that can be effective in promoting the health of your heart and keeping heart  diseases at bay. DOG POSE Lift the hips up,straighten the knees and elbows  and from an inverted "V" shape.Now keep the hands and shoulders width apart. Fingers point aheads.Put pressure on your palms and open your shoulder blades.Try to push your heels to the floor. keep your eye focused on your big toes.hold eight to ten breaths. Vrikshasana Begin by standing in Samasthithi. Lift your right leg off the floor and blance your body   weight on your left leg. Place your right foot  on your lifeted inner thingh.Place  it as closeto your  groin as  po...

ashok histoy

ASHOKA  MAURAYA      ashoka  ,also speeled ashok ,(died 238  BCE , India ), last  major dynasty of India.His vigorous patronage of Buddhism. during his reign(c.265-238 BCe:also given as c.273-232 BCE)furthered the expansion of that   religion  throughout India. Following his successful but bloody conquest of the Kalinga country on the  east  coast, Ashoka renounced armed conquest and adopted a plloicy that he called "conquest bt dharma "(i.e., by priciples of right life). In order to gain wide publicity for his teaching and his work , Ashoka made  them knowb means of oral  annoucncements and by engaraving on rocks and pillars at suitables sites .These inscriptions -the rock edicts and pillars edicts e.g., the lion capital of the of pillars found at  sarnath , Which has become India s national emblem), mosttly  dated in various years of  reign -contian statements regarding his thoughts and actions and pr...