Ashoka's Policy of Dharma: Ashoka's policy of Dhamma has been a lively topic of discussion among scholars.The word Dhamma is the prakrit form of the Sanskrite word Dharma.Dhamma has been variously translated as piety,moral life,righteousness and so on. But the best way to understand what Ashoka means by Dhamma is to read his edicts.The edicts were written primarily to explain to the people throughout the empire the principles of Dhamma.It must be clearly understood that Dhamma was not any particular religious faith or pratice.Dhamma realated to norms of social behavior and activities in a very general sense. .Dhamma emphasised on toleration and general behaviour.It emphasises not only toleration of people but also of their ideas. It laid strees on showing consideration towards slavaes and servants; obedience to elders; generosity towards friends, acquaintances and relatives; regard for Brahmanas and Sramanas,etc. Ashoka also pleased for toler...